sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2008

da mão de Buda
para o meu pé
um mosquito

from Buddha´s hand
to my foot
a mosquito

a la Issa

espere aranha
ainda não estou pronta
para a viagem

wait spider
I´m not ready yet
for my trip

quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2008

My Winning Haiku

end of rain
each cactus thorn keeps
its raindrops

4th International Contest for Haiku in English
Three Rivers Haiku Association, Ivanic Grad
Croatia, 2007


friends’ conversation –
now and then my dog
seeks a pat

International Haiku Contest
Honorable Mention
Romanian Haiku Association
Bucharest, 2007


cherry tree
even the blind woman
picks blossoms

2006 Haiku Invitational
Best International Poem
Vancouver Cherry Blossoms Festival
Vancouver, 2006